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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> I've been asked to write a poem for a wedding and I'm stumped?


I've been asked to write a poem for a wedding and I'm stumped?

I figured the pattern of the poem would be God gave me you to be...

So I got to the third and am now stuck. I got as far as:

God gave me you to be my family,

But now I can't finish it for two reasons. First of all what rhymes with family. Second how does a spouse act like a family. What traits, in your opinion, does a spouse have to have to have them viewed as a "family"?

Please help me!!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: God give me you to love and Cherish from this day forward.

God also give my family the gift of you ,a special place in their heart you now have .

We are united this day to love and honour as we are now one.

For better or worse we shall not part, you are part of me as I am part of you .

Together we will travel the path of life as husband and wife.