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Since most philosophers?

do not accept any authority other than their own reasoning, you can say a philosophical question may never have an answer only opinions or theories. Since this is most probably the case..... do you think philosophical questions are a waste of time? or
Do you think philosophical questions create a a common ground for conversations in people who may never have the opportunity to express their ideas and actually have them accepted (not believed but accepted without true discrimination)?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Lovely question! Meta-philosophy is groovy... Its the thinking that keeps on thinking!

I tend to think of philosophy as ART...At least, i think of it as the most basic kind of art, the place of emergence for all other arts, such as poetry, math, literature, logic, politics, etc.

Now, my postmodern tendencies suggest to me that philosophical theories are based in perspective. Despite any attempts at absolute objectivity, human beings cannot escape their own subjective perspective. Even in math- and science-philosophy, cultural assumptions become evident not only in "what" mathematicians and scientists are trying to prove, but also in "how" they go about it.

Yet, understood as art, philosophy is NEVER a waste of time, even when it has no practical application.

There is always at the very least an aesthetic, spiritual, personal or inter-personal benefit to philosophizing.

I like how you said "philosophical questions create a common ground for conversations in people who may never have the opportunity to express their ideas and actually allow them to be accepted (not believed but accepted without true discrimination)"

I couldnt have put it better!