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What is your prediction about the last harry potter book?

I was reading the 6th again (to refresh) and i completly figured out the whole entire series. Voldemort had 7 lifes hidden. In every book so far, he has lost one life. My guess is that Harry contains his last life. That is probably why he tried to kill harry in the first place, to get his life (possibly to put somewhere else). I think that either someone will kill harry to kill voldemort, or voldemort will kill harry to live. Too much time on my hands?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: no. you are completely normal. ive read it 15 times....working on the 16th.....that is too much time on my hands........
good theory. it has a lot of potential
but as the propecy says "neither can live while the other survives."
Harry and Voldemort are going to have to kill eachother.......