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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> This statement is false.?


This statement is false.?

Think about it. Then, can you tell me what this kind of statement is called and where I can find more of them?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It is generally called "The Liar Paradox", and along with the related "Epimenedes Paradox" (also known as "The Cretan Paradox"), belongs to the species of paradoxes known as self-referential paradoxes. Closely related is Russell's Paradox (also known as "The Barber Paradox").

If it is paradoxes you are intersted in, you can find a nice list of paradoxes (including the self-referential ones) at:

If you are interested in recursion (and self-referentiality), a great resources is Hofstadter's book "G㶤el Escher Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid".

And, by the way, this sentence is not about Chicago. (This sentence no verb.)