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How did well-known Nazis, actually in charge of some of the most horrible acts, manage to escape death?

This totally blows my mind.

I just don't get how some front-line, worst of the Nazi men, like Dr. Josef Mengele (who subjected children to his "scientific tests" that were nothing more than just whims of evil curiosity), or Dr. Fritz Hippler (who created the propaganda that had a large part in popularising the "answer to the Jewish question") manage to live 30-50 or more years post-war?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: They had help from various sources. Megele's family had money and probably supported him. Others were assisted by networks of Nazi sympathizers and other Nazis who helped them move from place to place and to other countries, particularly in South America, where they were made welcome.

Sadly and disgracefully many, many were helped by the Catholic church, which supplied displaced person's passports to them and helped them start fresh with a new identity. This is how Eichmann got away, although the Israelis found him.

And, the worst disgrace of all, the American government and military helped some cover up and escape. Some because their "expertise" about communists was deemed to outweigh the horror of the crimes they had perpetrated and others, like Werner Von Braun, because we needed them for our weapons and rocket programs.

No ones hands are clean when it comes to helping Nazis evade justice.