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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Who here is so stinkin obssesed with anything about original Nancy Drew books???


Who here is so stinkin obssesed with anything about original Nancy Drew books?????

I AM!!! Some people dont even know who she is!? Tell me about your books of hers and your obbsesion!!

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6 days ago
And also,who thought Emma Roberts didnt look like Redish blonde flipped out haired Nancy? Im a NANFAN Nancy ROCKS NANCY ROCKS.And Mr.Drew,Bess,George,Burt,Dave,... Greun,Helen Archer and Ned too....And where were Burt and Dave,Bess and Georges boyfrieds in the movie???

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 6 days ago
And also,who thought Emma Roberts didnt look like Redish blonde flipped out haired Nancy? Im a NANFAN Nancy ROCKS NANCY ROCKS.And Mr.Drew,Bess,George,Burt,Dave,... Greun,Helen Archer and Ned too....And where were Burt and Dave,Bess and Georges boyfrieds in the movie???