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Ballet Question(please be serious)?

Does ballet eventually cause any damage to your body? I don't mean if your doing ballet as a profession, but if you just take lessons. Will it cause damage to your body? If so, what kind of damage?
Thank you so much. God Bless!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Any actvity has a potential risk of injury. Ballet is no exception. However, if you do everything correctly, you should do fine. You will actually improve your body. You'll get a better posture, stronger muscles and you'll get more flexible.

Things to watch out for is your back and knees. You need to make sure that your knees are over your toes when you're bending them, don't let your toes point away to the sides more than your knees do. That's related to the turnout: if you turn out from the hips your knees are pointing the same direction as your toes. Make sure you warm up well before every class, and you'll be fine. Listen to the warnings that your teacher might give you, he/she's not joking.