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Did you ever think...?

since no one knows what some one is thinking right at the time of their death (that exact moment)... could it be possible that life ends when the answer to the ultimate question (if it exists) is obtained? Even if it is just for a fleeting moment, the answer was there and life ends so that no one else can be told.
Life ends when in our mind and heart we finally have everything working in unison... we are actually content and no longer chaotic in thinking... even for just a fleeting moment?

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6 days ago
I understand that people have died and come back... maybe it is because they did not reach that answer or did not reach that serenity within their self.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 6 days ago
I understand that people have died and come back... maybe it is because they did not reach that answer or did not reach that serenity within their self.