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Does your reading make you feel rejected and/or an outcast?

Very few in my family read, and can't care less about reading. Not my wife, neither of my brothers, my cousins and so on. When I have family over and they sit in our living room surounded by hundreds of books, I sense that they get uncomfortable, for some reason, I'm not sure why. And its difficult to talk to them about my writing. I feel there is a wall between myself and the majority of my family and friends.
Is anybody in this situation? How do I reconcile my two worlds? What should I do?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Vive la difference! Difference is what makes the world go round. No, it shouldnt make you feel outcast or uncomfortable. It sounds like it is a case of people feeling inferior to you - like maybe they aren't smart enough for you. Are there other things you enjoy with them? Do you watch sports? Do you maybe sit and play games with them? It sounds to me like sitting in your living room doesn't come with much fun for them. Well, show them they are wrong about that. I get the impression you don't sit and READ in front of guests, and that is probably a good idea. But what if you turned on the TV and said "How about those Yankees?" and sat down with them to cheer for a game? Or dig out some of the old board games and get the family laughing and playing. It sounds like they don't feel that they communicate on the same level as someone who has read Ulysses or The Odyssey. Well, show them that you can be just as much of a fun guy as the next guy can. Plan some fun activities for when your family comes over. It's summer - plan an outside BBQ so they don't have to sit in your book room. Believe me, I totally understand. When we have guests, my mother and son scream HIDE THE BOOKS. Like I was committing a crime here. Sheesh! Find different ways to take the emphasis off that room and away from your books. If there is one family member you are particularly close to, maybe the two of you can sit down and discuss this. (I bet behind your back they call you "Shakespeare" or something! I think my family calls me that behind my back too). But the most important thing is that I don't think you should feel depressed because of it. You are what you are - you were blessed with the thirst for knowledge and the love of reading. I got mine from my Granny who was a newspaper reporter. I'm sure somewhere in your family, someone passed the gift along to you, too. Enjoy your gift, but enjoy your family, too. Pax - C