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Brain weight:?

Any idea which three of these had the heaviest brains ever recorded?

1] Albert Einstein

2] Elvis Presley

3] Apache Chief Mangus Colorado

4] Franz Kafka

5] Daniel Webster

6] Lee Harvey Oswald

8] Theodore Roosevelt

9] Leon Trotsky

10] Henry Ford

Additional Details

6 days ago
I specfied 'recorded' in the question.

Three of the people above [at least] were brain weighed after death. During subsequent times their names have shown up as the 'heaviest human brains in history'.

6 days ago
Einstein and Daniel Webster are numbers 1 and number 3. But number two was the reason I posted the question.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 6 days ago
I specfied 'recorded' in the question.

Three of the people above [at least] were brain weighed after death. During subsequent times their names have shown up as the 'heaviest human brains in history'.