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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Has anyone noticed the pronunciation of Los Angeles and Fresno has changed from


Has anyone noticed the pronunciation of Los Angeles and Fresno has changed from TV soaps in the '50's?

Used to be angeles hard g as in good,
used to be freeno.

Source : watching TV in Australia

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5 days ago
To "the phrase that pays"

I asked about Fresno on Yahoo answers as I thought it used to be called Freeno.

Someone mentioned Los Angeles - then I remembered detective movies.

this was part of the answer I got:
" Along the lines you're talking about, the most remarkable one to me is the shift from Los Angeles with a hard G to a J sound. I haven't heard the first pronunciation (except in old movies) for decades. "

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 5 days ago
To "the phrase that pays"

I asked about Fresno on Yahoo answers as I thought it used to be called Freeno.

Someone mentioned Los Angeles - then I remembered detective movies.

this was part of the answer I got:
" Along the lines you're talking about, the most remarkable one to me is the shift from Los Angeles with a hard G to a J sound. I haven't heard the first pronunciation (except in old movies) for decades. "