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Early britannic tribes, ie trinovantes and eceni?

was just wondering if there are any 'decent' websites/ books that i can find out more about pre Roman Britain, and in particular Boudica and the revolts of Colchester and St Albans? also, why is Boudica sometimes refferred to as 'Bodicea'?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The Iceni tribe occupied most of Norfolk and Suffolk around 61 AD (over 2000 years ago).
The Iceni were probably best known for Queen Boudicca, or Boadicea as she is also known, and the Boudiccan rebellion of 60/61AD. good site listing all the early British tribes and their locations.

Boudicca One of two British women to be mentioned by the Romans in their writings. She was the wife of King Prasutagus who was given the Client Kingship of the Iceni, after the Icenian civil war of 47AD. Following her husbands death around 60AD her kingdom was pillaged by the imperial procurator Decianus Catus, and when she took the matter to a higher Roman authority, she was publicly flogged and her daughters violated. Indignant at her treatment she instigated a rebellion within her tribe and, joined by the Trinovantes directly to the south, plundered the Romano-British towns of Camulodunum (Colchester), Verulamium (St. Albans) and Londinium (London) before being beaten in a pitched battle with the forces of the governor, Suetonius Paullinus, near Manduessedum in the midlands.
both good sites for information on pre-Roman Britain.

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