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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> What is the actual point of life? Or is that a meaningless question?


What is the actual point of life? Or is that a meaningless question?

I'm strarting to believe in Sartre's Existentialist believes - depressing no?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: No! Absolutely Not! How is Existentialism Depressing?!?!
Sounds like you've been reading the wrong INTERPRETATIONS of Existentialism!
The Nausea that Sartre mentioned when facing existence is only due to the fact that Life really does NOT have a meaning in-and-of-itself. But why does it have to? Why do you want it to?
"You've got to say YES to it... It's GREAT, JUST THE WAY IT IS!... You know that old Irish saying, 'Is this a private fight or can anybody get into it?" - Joseph Campbell

Sartre's point, all the Existentialists' point, Campbell's point, The Buddha's point, my point: ONE CREATES ONE'S OWN MEANING!
It cannot be any other way!
P.S. The only meaningless questions are either 1. The one's we don't ask. Or 2. the one's that people ask but should already know the answers to (like most -but not all- of the ones on Yahoo Answers).