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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> How do i become a good drawer i love art and painting?


How do i become a good drawer i love art and painting?

i reelly need help !if you are a profeesionall artist ,i need tips im afraid of white paper and never begin drawing and i have lots of potential.from your experience how do i really become a great drawer ?practice?is it really the answer art is my passion but i cant get started ,im afraid my pictures are crap although ive drawn amazing art before.what do i do ? WILL I BECOME A GREAT DRAWER WITH DAILY PRACTISE OF DRAWING ANYTHING NOMATTER HOW BAD I START TO DRAW?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Face your fear. That is the one single condition to success. Sketch exactly the things you're worst at (for me it was hands, for a good while), for as long as it takes, until they become your strengths. It worked for me and many others, it will work for you too and you'll actually be surprised of what you can do.

Don't set standards on yourself, it will only stop your evolution (especially at the beginning). Don't get disappointed if your works aren't pro from the beginning (and they won't be). Stop thinking about it. Just sit down and draw. It's 100% guaranteed that if you're stubborn enough, at some point, you'll look at what you did and say "hey, this is actually good".

So, to set it straight: there is no other answer to your question than DRAW :)