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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> The producer from "Pirates" sent mail back saying I can not send him m


The producer from "Pirates" sent mail back saying I can not send him my pitch bc it might lead to plagarism?

So, what should I do now????? (And you better have a real answer! If someone says Idk to just get points or anything, i will seriousley go crazy on you!)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You have a two part solution: part one you need to develop what is known as a treatment. It is basically a script in paragraph form that gives the narrative of the story, no dialogue. It should be about 15-25 pages typed with a cover letter. This is important because with so many people trying to make it in Hollywood, EVERYBODY and their mother's dog has a "great movie idea". Preparing a treatment is not only the right and most accepted form of proposal, but it also shows you did your homework and cam respect the producers time by adhering to the rules of the game.

2. You need to hire a lawyer or an agent once you get your treatment written out to act as mediator and broker for you. Their job is to speak on your behalf. In a world where major movie deals are made in the 5 minute walk from a lunch table to the car, you need someone in the professional world to act as your voice. They know the lingo, they know the laws, and if you can afford a good one, they will help you not only not get screwed but help you rise in the business.

Hope this helps. Good luck!