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I need your help?

My ex boyfriend treated me as a piece of garbage for five years, taking money from me and abusing my feelings. He is muslamic and decided to marry one of his own. My money was good for him but I was not. Now I married a guy that loves me. I cannot forget the other and cannot love my husband. If I put a fictional terrorist background in it and change the names would it be a good book? I accept all suggestions.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: That depends entirely on you.

The "Muslim man treats American woman like ****" thing has been done before many times. If you are doing this out of anger, no, it probably will not work. You would be better off spending your time in therapy. Why wouldnt you love a man who loves you just because some asshole treated you badly?

Secondly, just "adding a terrorist background" isnt an easy thing to do. It would require a tremendous amount of research on your part. You would literally have to become an expert on terrorism and on Islamic issues including religion, women etc. That is a tremendous amount of work for you.

Let me be perfectly honest. To do this would take up a huge amount of your time. In fact, it would pretty much consume all of your spare time. Trust me - I know what is involved in writing a book. Ive done it four times and Im working now.

You need to resolve these feelings and work on your relationship with your husband or you are in danger of losing him. It will serve you no purpose to write a bitchy book about your ex boyfriend. It could also put you and your husband in great danger. You are obviously talking about a very vindictive, angry man here.

Find a therapist. Work this out in therapy before you decide to write a book. You havent healed enough to be able to see this from any kind of a perspective. It is still too close to you and you are still too angry. This is not the time for you to delve into months and months of difficult research for a novel. It is the time to heal your spirit and move on with your life. Good luck to you. Pax - C