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Harry Potter question?

Can you give me a summary of the second Harry Potter book???

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The story begins on Harry's 12th birthday. His aunt and uncle are having guests for dinner so Uncle Vernon can make a deal on drills. Harry goes outside, sees a pair of great big eyes from the bush, Dudley comes outside and Harry pretends to set the bush on fire. Aunt Petunia makes Harry do chores all day long and then makes him sit in his room while the guests come over. When Harry gets to his room, there is a house elf on the bed. He introduces himself as Dobby the house elf and tells Harry not to go back to Hogwarts because of an evil plot. Harry refuses and Dobby smashes the dessert pudding. Uncle Vernon puts bars on Harry's window and door. Three days later, Ron, Fred, and George come in a flying car, rip the bars off the window, and Harry leaves with them. Harry stays the rest of the time at Ron's house, complete with a trip to Diagon Alley (and Knockturn Alley, a dark wizard's paradise). Harry, Ron, and Hermione return to Hogwarts to a new DADA teacher, Lockhart. Lockhart is full of himself and quite funny. Harry begins to hear voices, and soon Filch's cat is petrified. Soon another boy is petrified and Dumbledore confirms that the Chamber of Secrets is open again. Harry and his friends find out that the Chamber was open 50 years ago and a girl was killed. The person opening the chamber is/was the heir of Slytherin. Harry, Ron, and Hermione mix a Polyjuice potion in the bathroom haunted by a ghost so they can change into Crabbe and Goyle and question Malfoy because they think he is the Heir of Slytherin. They find out he is not. Lockhart starts a dueling club and Harry talks to a snake there. This is the mark of a Slytherin, so everyone thinks Harry is the Heir. A few more people get petrified, including Hermione. She has figured out that the monster in the Chamber is a basilisk, a snake whose stare kills and if anyone looks at the snake they get petrified. Harry finds a diary with the name TM Riddle in it and writes in it. He finds out that it was apparently Hagrid that opened the Chamber. Hagrid is taken away to Azkaban. Dumbledore is suspended. Harry and Ron go visit Hagrid's huge spider friend, who tells them that the girl who died died in a bathroom. Harry and Ron find out that Ginny has been taken into the Chamber itself and they go with Lockhart to the bathroom and talk to Moaning Myrtle, the ghost who lives there. She confirms that the basilisk kills her and Harry opens the chamber with his ability to talk to snakes (Parseltongue). They go down and Harry goes to find Ginny because Lockhart blasted half the chamber in with Ron's faulty wand. Harry finds Ginny, the diary, and Tom Marvolo Riddle's memory, who shows Harry that his name goes to "I am Lord Voldemort". Voldemort sets the basilisk on Harry, and Dumbledore's phoenix arrives with the sorting hat and Gryffindor's sword. Harry uses the sword to kill the basilisk, and the fang goes into Harry's arm. Fawkes the phoenix heals Harry's arm and Harry drives the fang into the diary. Riddle goes away and Harry and Ginny return. The petrified people are restored, no one has died, Dumbledore awards Gryffindor the house cup, Hagrid comes back, and Harry has escaped Lord Voldemort once again.