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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> As Adam was not born of woman so he shouldn't have had a navel. Are there any ar


As Adam was not born of woman so he shouldn't have had a navel. Are there any artists who didn't paint it in ?

Looking at paintings of Adam, they all seem to have a navel almost as though it's needed to make him complete.
I have looked to see if there are artists who have not adorned him in such a way, but can't find one...

This has a curiosity factor for me, nothing more.

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5 days ago
Financing loans ha ha ha!

4 days ago
Thank you, JC beautiful.

4 days ago
That is a very intelligent way for an artist to deal with the dilemmia, Kathy, thank you for your answer.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 5 days ago
Financing loans ha ha ha!