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Pro-Life and Pro-Death Penalty?

How can those who consider themselves to be pro-life also be pro-death penalty, and sometimes even pro-war (which inevitably leads to deaths)? Isn't this a blatant contradiction in one's morals and ethics? I would think that being pro-life should extend to every human being regardless of age or circumstances. Please do not answer unless you are ready to back your answer up with sound reasoning; don't just say, for example, that "I am that way because __________ (insert applicable word) tells me to be."

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6 days ago
svede1: if capital punishment is proven to be a crime deterrent, than how do you explain the fact that there are always people on death row? It is my position that, if a person is going to commit a crime "worthy" of the death penalty, they're not going to care what the consequences are.

6 days ago
Stephen: I wasn't specifically taking about the Iraq war, but since you brought it up, please remember that Iraq had NOTHING to do with 9/11. They were not harboring al Qaeda, nor were they personally involved in the attacks. So, how is this war justified by ANYONE'S definitions?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 6 days ago
svede1: if capital punishment is proven to be a crime deterrent, than how do you explain the fact that there are always people on death row? It is my position that, if a person is going to commit a crime "worthy" of the death penalty, they're not going to care what the consequences are.