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Can life drawing model have tattoo, starting rate?

I am an artist (painter), and I am interested in become a life drawing model to gain more experience in figure drawing. But I have small thumb-size tattoo on my chest, some chest hair, branding on my wrists, small fist-size birthmark on my stomach, and a 15cm saw scar on my foot (from disk saw accident). I just wondering does these elements acceptable for life drawing models. In addition, I want to know, if it helps for model to use classical nude's pose for life drawing? Thank you for sharing your wisdom.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The best models I've had in classes have curves, scars & tattoos! Even better if they're not what's considered to have the "perfect" body, or anything near perfect. Real people with real bodies, THAT'S life drawing!
I can't remember what my University paid them but do remember that it was by the hour, & it was well over minimum wage! We also "tipped" the model a few bucks if they allowed us to take photo's, its an extra thank you because they're trusting we'll be discreet & never use the photos in any way other then personal reference.
All poses are great, classical or not. The coolest model I've ever had was a dancer, & she would get into some awesome positions. The worst model, never moved much at all, when our professor asked him to change poses, all he did was turn another 45 degrees. Get some poses that are uniquely yours & practice holding poses a long time, I always appreciated models who could take a break & go back to the same pose (for our longer sittings)! Students will remember you & sometimes ask for you specifically. I would check with local colleges first, they??re always wanting new models for variety.