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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> What goes around comes around is it true for everything...?


What goes around comes around is it true for everything...?

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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: it's a double edge philosophy..
it can either mean KARMA or VENDETTA(self imposed)
the first one is the Law of the universe..
the planets go on circular or elliptical orbits..
going back around & around on the same cycle....
from the grandeur of the cosmos to the tiniest molecule..
the circle of life is indeed a never ending journey..
so never worry for what youve lost...
someone in the circle is meant to gain it in your place..
you will get yours in it's proper place & time...

the 2nd one is the other side of Karma, more known as Vendetta(a prolonged cycle of retaliation)
it's choosing between justice & injustice, equality & oppression...youve got to stop the negative recurrence..
because watch out, vengeful karma is a deadly boomerang...
if you dont know the right moment to throw & catch it,
you'd end up being knocked out