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Opinion of a poem?

I'd like to know what you think of this one poem, even if it isn't relevant to you.


I'm getting new hormones,
I can feel it in my bones.

From head to toe,
More hair doth grow.
My muscles are big,
My voice is low.
I do the jig,
And off I go.

In every dame,
I have a fan.
For I became,
A full-fledged man.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Ha ha this is excellent!! --A very enjoyable read, indeed. Very cute and upbeat. Nice work, you've a great style. :)

Only thing I would work with is the first two lines; they are a little off; especially the "I'm getting" --it sounds clumsy. Try something like "Growing into hormones,/I can feel them in my bones." since the rest of the poem has a bit of higher english in it, the intro lines should have that as well.

Keep writing, absolutely!!!

PS Never you mind the other narrow-minded commenters; they aren't very well-rounded readers and that is evident. Your poem atually has a bit of an old-fashioned tone to it. It's classsy.