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Why can't we experience eternal bliss?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Whenever we are connected with what is eternal in 'us', we are in bliss, or rather feel what the 'eternal' is.

For us, it can be a moment of prayer, or divine ecstasy, but they are all fleeting, yet when we learn to stay permanently connected to the divine within, we would rather stay 'there', as the outside world then appears so 'blissless'.

You must have noticed, how many mystics and saints who having once experienced divine bliss, refuse to come back into the 'real' world. As it is hard to keep our connection strong while staying in the 'real' world.

So many choose to lead a secluded life, for most of their lives, as it gives them the privacy to keep their connections strong, yet they do come out to meet a select group of people, people who are also on the path, or reach out through their writings to common people, who are willing to take up the path of bliss.