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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> What do you do to recall a better time in your life?


What do you do to recall a better time in your life?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am a 30 year old female and I go back and recall the best times of my life. The best time of my life and the most influencial was when I lived on a cattle farm when I was 8- 12 years old. I lived with my mom and jerk step-father, but these were the most memorable times in my life. I loved being on the farm and creating my own fun. I was so creative back then. I loved to entertain myself and I was always looking for a new adventure by myself (there were no neighbors around). I often look back at photos of this time of my life and I remember what it was like being naive and totally carefree. Try to empathize with your former self and put yourself in the shoes of your younger self that had such a great time in life. I used to love to roller skate as a young girl and I recently bought a pair of roller skates just to relive the very fond memories of being young and happy. Hope this helps and I sincerely hope you find happiness!