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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Which would do?Be a policeman or a car designer or an author?


Which would do?Be a policeman or a car designer or an author?

I do not know and people say I am good at these things.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Anything is design is very competitive, however car design is allot more so. There is also allot more to do with it then just sketch your idea on paper. There is allot of math and engineering that goes into cars.

You could be an author, but you have to be able to write things people will want to read, not just a few people. However out of the three careers you listed, if very successful, you would get the most recognition from being an author. Law enforcement officers are undervalued, and sometimes disliked, just for doing their job. And can any normal person name one of the people who designed their car? Enough said.

Also being a police officer can be dangerous, and you may have to work long hours, in bad conditions, with little appreciation.

However you could be a police officer that wrote a book on vehicle design.

Also, if very successful, vehicle design and writing would pay more then working in law enforcement.