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Is it ourselves we seek outside of ourselves?

Who is it that we seek?Questions chase Questions. Thinking confuses seeking.Seeking seems difficult finding seems easy. What do you think :)))

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hi, Rena--If we seek ourselves OUTSIDE of ourselves, we're depending on many mirrors, such a disparity we'd really be confused. That's not to say that once in awhile, someone who is a good friend & "knows" you about as well s it's possible to know anyone, may make an observation you'll want to reflect on. One of many problems that I've seen, is that people excessively look for "who they are" in the opinions of others--what will they think--how should I behave--right down to the mundane of what is considered acceptable to wear. Their outer society controls them; they aren't true to themselves because they don't even know who they are. I KNOW myself, not by seeking, but through introspection, which isn't entirely intellectual, but also on a "feeling" level. True insights come from the inner you. As you evolve, your terrain will expand, but you'll always be YOU. People who look to others for input aren't only confused, they tend to be very sensitive. How do YOU feel about yourself, the total person?

Edit: Excellent answers from Cyra & roy f. Just think about it. Bob G--Curious concept. Is THAT where we are? On the OUTSIDE?