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Do you like my Poem?

I'm only fourteen, but I have a passion for writing. Not like I want to make a career out of it or anything. Just wanted to see if you think I'm any good
Green is the meadow where the white sheep graze
Yellow's the sunlight that lights the days
Blue are the eyes of the sad old man
Crying for his golden-haired sweetheart.

Brown is the color of his tattered, worn shirt
Tan are the hands that worked the dirt
Black is the color of his beautiful mare
Riding the twighlight blue earth.

White is the house that he built for her.
Golden the memories that made his heart stir
Red roses grow to remember the days
Blue shuttered windows stare back.

Gray was the porch beside her room
As they held each other 'neath the yellow moon
Red was his face as she stole a kiss
There in the purple shadows.

Silver the tears running down the man's face
Pink reminds him of her beautiful grace
Orange is the sun as is comes back to earth
Lilac the longing of seeing her tonight in his dreams

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Why wouldn't you want to make a career out of it? You got some skills, young lady! I love the parallels of the colors blue and gold, while the use of gray (gray!) packed some punch.

You should develop your self awareness with some meditation and stream of consciousness writing experiments. Find those things which truly inspire you. Those things may be cheap, inexpensive, or very expensive, but touch and feel all you can and drink deep the dew of your life. Go out and experience as much as you can because your writing always comes from your experiences, good or bad. Think about how even when someone hurts you, it's actually going to cause you to become an even better person and writer--as long as you handle it well and in a healthy manner! Read about people and watch them, too!
Find that which honors your Creator and you'll tap the deepest resources of your soul. That's where the great drama comes from--that well of living water. And, who knows? Maybe you'll end up with a rewarding career as a writer! Just because writing comes easy to you, please, please, please refrain from devaluing it. It may be your gift; your vocation. Find out what 'vocation' means and you're halfway to the answer.
Heck, answer this question: if you could do anything you wanted, anything at all, and money wasn't an issue, what would you do? The answer is your vocation if it makes you cry.
I wish you all the best!