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Doing a front/side split?

how long will it take for a 15 yr old (if I stretch everyday) to finally be able to do a full split?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It depends how far you are, but it also depends on your determination. You NEED to stretch at least two times a day. I turn on music and stretch for about twenty minutes when i wake up and about ten before I go to bed. It should take 2-6 WEEKS. and anyone can do it so make sure that you stretch twice daily and that you hold your spilts for about 30 secs to 2 minutes everyday. Don't push yourself too hard becuz you don't want to pull a muscle!
Not everyone is gifted with flexability (i am one that wasn't given that gift) but you have to work towards what you want! and you can deff. do anything you want so GOOD LUCK!!!