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What's Good About Being British?

I've just read a question that asks what people think is the most shameful event of British History. It's a fair question.

But, in my opinion, it is slightly one-sided as it appears to by-pass the fact that there is not a single nation on Earth, past or present, that has a 100% clean History.

Also, in my opinion, is seems to by-pass all that is good about being British.

For example, it was the UK that lead many of the scientific discoveries druing the 1800's onwards that have lead to our curent scientific view of how the Universe works. Without the likes of Sir Isaac Newton, we'd all still believe the Catholic Church's view of how the Universe works.

Then there was the likes of Thomas Telford who helped mould the Industrial Revolution that not only shaped the UK but also the entire World. Without the Industrial Revolution the World would be very different indeed.

That is one of many reasons why being British is something to be at least happy about. What do you think?

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5 days ago
To Satview: I didn't mean anything personal or nasty about my comment about the Catholic Church. My oin t was that once it help the view that the Earth was literally the centre of the Universe and strongly fought against the growing evidence that said otherwise.

Thankfully today, the Catholic Church holds a very forward-thinking attitude toward Astronomy and does much good work in helping to progress this field and helping Humanity better understand how the Universe work.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 5 days ago
To Satview: I didn't mean anything personal or nasty about my comment about the Catholic Church. My oin t was that once it help the view that the Earth was literally the centre of the Universe and strongly fought against the growing evidence that said otherwise.

Thankfully today, the Catholic Church holds a very forward-thinking attitude toward Astronomy and does much good work in helping to progress this field and helping Humanity better understand how the Universe work.