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Does living life that seems to matter, really matters?

Elaborate your answer considering the universe.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hi No Saint,
Of course, it matters.... Kindness, You don't hear that word much anymore, unless you hang out with me... :) (Joke) .. :p ... Help other people who have less than you.... Everyone should do that as second nature... (By less, it does not necessarily have to be money...)

Always stick up for someone being bullied... Don't turn away, if you see someone being mean to kids or animals....
Ask- do I feel comfortable about who I am?... Do I have to lie about my actions or intentions, in order for people to think good about me? ...DO YOU LIE TO YOURSELF?
Every single one of us, is "unique", we all have special qualities.... unfortunately, the way humankind, treat our planet.. Is not that hopeful, toward the future of the children and animals....... :s
But, if YOU think : that you have done "the impossible", to make things possible...then it really all matters, in the end....
Because, you did the impossible to accomplish something worthwhile, for others.....So, your presents, on this planet earth.. Really matters......... I am shore about that!
Disrupting the self-centered dream... to realize and express the Whole......
Thanks, for the question! :)

My regards!

Take care!!