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What do you know about rakshas -nanda's minister?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Rakshas,was the minister of Nanda the emperor of Magadha.He was a very great intellectual and a radical thinker .He was ever loyal to his king.Even after his death he constantly tried to dethrone and kill Chandragupta Maurya.But,Chanakya thwarted him at every nook and corner.He was a true patriot.When,Selucus offered him help to defeat Chandragupta he bluntly refused as he did not want bharat to go into the hands of the foreigners.Seeing his patriotism and selflessness Chanakya finally came back to his senses and renounced his position of Prime Minister in Chandragupta's court in favour of Rakshas to go back to his original profession-teaching.Rakshas spent the rest of his time serving Chandragupta and being a constant advisor of Chandragupta.Under him and Chandragupta the kingdom flourished.