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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Friedrich Nietzsche said god is dead and the Beatles said they were more famous


Friedrich Nietzsche said god is dead and the Beatles said they were more famous than Jesus who was correct?

I love the Beatles, could they have been wrong??

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It seems God did step out, but he left physics and consequences to administer, and reason and us. The mentioned persons were are all right, it's just that Nietzxche died of syphilus I think. Even Paul said, "All things are lawful, but not all things are profitable." That's an Eastern thought if I ever heard one so the East is right to a point a way also. We're all right many times, just not all the time, but always from some perspective. You have to say something one way to one person and the opposite to another to make a point and sound contradictory and not necessarily be at all. Just thought I would say that. I can read some sense into most of what I hear and yet if I didn'tm ninety five percent of all I hear would sound foolish. The idea is usually to get what they are saying, but who listens that well.