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Do people recognize the obvious but our oblivious to it??

Such as you will see the pole in front of you but you will still hit it or you will pass the same thing 10 times but as soon as someone asks where it is you will not know

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: That's exactly how I see it. We may listen to someone else or be ruled by our progamming, but maturity comes when we learn our own potentialiy and make our own decision, independent and inter-dependant not dependant so much like on leaders as most leaders in all fields don't seem to know where they are going and it's like the blind leading the blind. We were supposed to have a mind of our own, but we let other give us doubts wrongly often. If we rely on ourselves more, our inner sense, we learn to identify our intuition, test and refine it, getting more and more autonomous.and a help instead of a drag.