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What was the turning point in your life?

Two years ago I moved to a small town in Kansas to live with a man that I loved. We split up about 7 monthes later and moving became a decision that I regretted. Now that I look back on it I realize that it was the turning point in my life. If I hadn't of moved I probably wouldnt of enrolled in college and I wouldnt be the person I am today. What was the turning point in your life?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: At the risk of sounding like an idiot, I have to say I'm not sure. I thought it was when I first found something I was good at doing, playing the Tuba in 7th grade. Next I thought it was when I went to a juvenile reformatory when I was 12. Next I thought it was when I got kicked out of the reformatory and was on my way to a juvenile prison at 15 but was sent home instead, one month later I was hit head on while riding my motorcycle. When I got out of the hospital 3 years later after 22 surgeries and rehabilitation, I thought that was it. The next turning point was when I got married after developing a career at 36. The next was when I had a heart attack which resulted in open heart surgery, then 8 months later my wife passed away, and then another six months later they finally had to remove my leg because of osteomyelitis.
Maybe I missed it or I wasn't paying attention. Maybe the real turning point has not happened. Maybe it never will. It would be nice to be able to turn things around though and for things to be a little better. I could really use it and I am open to it. I am no longer scared of such things.