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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> If someone asked you how they looked would you tell the truth?


If someone asked you how they looked would you tell the truth?

Say the person really is dressed terribly, color clashes, bad make-up etc.

Are you strong enough to tell the truth?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: as hard as it is, yes I would tell them the truth. The last time a woman told me she thought she looked thinner in her new outfit and told me all about it and then asked my opinion, I told her the truth. I told her that she was overweight and that it was nothing she could hide and she should accept herself the way she is unless she wants to change and is willing to make the effort to do so. I feel that allowing a person to be deceived by their thinking is fine unless they ask you for the truth. It may not be comfortable but it is better than being an enabler.