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What causes brightly coloured lines to appear on digital photos?

I took a series of photos of a wall in a haunted house. One of the photos had a bunch of very bright lines through the top center part. All the other photos appeared quite dark. I did not move, or change camera settings. The room was very dimmly lit, and did not have any lighting within camera view.

Any suggestions on what could have caused this?

Thanks for your help!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If these lines appear to be more optical than digital, it is most likely lens flare. Even if there is no light source in your field of view, an off-field light source can cast light across your lens surface. In the future, use a lens hood. A lens hood will reduce the chances of lens flare, both indoors and outdoors. It is generally best to always use a lens hood not only to reduce the occurrences of lens flare, but to improve your image contrast. If you can't attach a hood, use your hand to block the light close to your lens...just make sure your hand does not show up in the frame.
If it appears to be a digital line, it could be noise caused by any number of sources...a cell phone, a noisy camera, an EMP, etc.