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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> People we see often ask the same old question. How are you?


People we see often ask the same old question. How are you?

Do you always say great, fine, okay or do you really tell them the truth?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Nice question. I guess, I usually give a standard 'pretty good' even if I'm not, out of respect for the question, knowing that it is a friendly question and they don't really care and out of respect, I should humor it. After all, they are not a friend who understands confiding in. It is a state of society to just 'be'.

And you know what? Sometimes, just saying that, makes me feel better even if I was having a bad day.

And of course, best friends have to put up with our complete truth at times...but, it's O.K., because we would do if for them when they need it.

All in all, I think it all works out.

I'm doing pretty good right now. To you as a new friend, and as it makes me feel good to be that for you.

Thank you.