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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> In writing, what is prose? How do you know whether your work has prose or not?


In writing, what is prose? How do you know whether your work has prose or not?

Prose is just something that confuses me, what is it exactly, are there things I can do to help me master it?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Prose writing is most often found in short stories, essays, novels, and journalism. My entire response is written in prose. Prose is characterized as sentence-driven writing, whereas poetry may forgo the sentence in order to challenge language.

This is a simple definition, since some poetry can be written in the form of prose with the content of poetry. Based on your question, it's clear that you understand prose; you didn't write your question as a poem.

If a piece of writing doesn't strike you as poetry or drama, you can safely assume that the writing is prose.