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What's the best electric guitar for a beginner/amateur?

I have been playing guitar for a year now on my acoustic guitar and am planning to move to electric guitar? Any good guitar you guys can recommend?
I don't play the heavy metal type and want something that sounds great for canon rock.
How does an amp work? Can it vary the guitar from clean to distortion?
And what are effect pedals?
Thanks alot!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I suggest one of the guitars found on the sites given below.

An amp can vary from clean to distorted. Mostly all amps come with the ability to provide a clean sound but, only those so equipped can produce distortion. A good beginner amp would be one of the following;
Crate XT30R Guitar Amp
Crate GT212 Guitar Combo Amplifier (120 Watts, 2x12 in.)
Fender FM 25DSP 25 watt Amp
Fender Dyna-Touch III Bullet 150

An effect pedal causes modulation (varies the waveform in volume, timing and/or pitch) in the sound. There are many different pedals that cause different types of modulation. They come singly, or in combination. The best way to deal with this is to check them out to hear how they sound and pick one that sounds cool to you.