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Have you read this? What do you think of it? Can you suggest more like it?

I was looking for the william carlos williams poem for the other questioner. I didn't have any luck, but I hadn't read much wcw (red wagon, a few others). I am sure there are other people that have read more of his work, but I wanted to post one of his poems and just get your reaction. I found this so beautiful that I felt my eyes were going to melt. I will be reading more of his work. So my question is do you like this poem? and what else would you suggest I read from WCW that you personally liked? I'm not looking for a wikipedia post. Which poems moved you personally?


My head and shoulders, and my book
In the cool shade, and my body
Stretched bathing in the sun, I lie
Reading beside the waterfall —
Boehme??s ??Signature of all Things.??
Through the deep July day the leaves
Of the laurel, all the colors
Of gold, spin down through the moving
Deep laurel shade all day. They float
On the mirrored sky and forest
For a while, and then, still slowly
Spinning, sink through the crystal deep
Of the pool to its leaf gold floor.
The saint saw the world as streaming
In the electrolysis of love.
I put him by and gaze through shade
Folded into shade of slender
Laurel trunks and leaves filled with sun.
The wren broods in her moss domed nest.
A newt struggles with a white moth
Drowning in the pool. The hawks scream,
Playing together on the ceiling
Of heaven. The long hours go by.
I think of those who have loved me,
Of all the mountains I have climbed,
Of all the seas I have swum in.
The evil of the world sinks.
My own sin and trouble fall away
Like Christian??s bundle, and I watch
My forty summers fall like falling
Leaves and falling water held
Eternally in summer air.

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5 days ago
Yamadog: That happens to me too sometimes I read something people say is great and it leaves for cold...for a number of reasons this didn't for me--thanks for stoping by to comment.

5 days ago
leaves me cold...not leaves for cold...typing late at night is bad for the eyes...haha

5 days ago
You have a subversive wit Mr. Gibson thank you very much indeed.

5 days ago
Well, maybe it's just me. I liked WCW's nod to Boehm and the topics of predestination and free will using the image from Bunyan. Also, I enjoyed the language used--but to each his own, I respect that.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 5 days ago
Yamadog: That happens to me too sometimes I read something people say is great and it leaves for cold...for a number of reasons this didn't for me--thanks for stoping by to comment.