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Why do you want to be an actor?

Or, if you aren't planning on pursuing a career, why do you enjoy acting?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have many hobbies, but only the theater is my passion. I think that the theater is the most complete and wonderful form of art, because it includes dancing, music, visual arts, the magic universe of words... I can't describe the feeling I have when I am on the stage. It's just like magic... Everything around me just fades away. It may sound a little bit weird, but theater gives me the opportunity of really understanding who I am. It is a paradox: finding your true self when you put a mask on your face. But it is true; when I start learning a part I want to give life to a fictional character and I try to find out what it takes to do so. When I am on the stage I am not an actress, a real woman or citizen... I am an idea: the idea of the author of the play, adjusted by my idea of what the character is like. The theater helps me to know who I am, to discover my inner strenght that makes me go on.
Because of the theater, I get the rare opportunity of living so many lives in just one... I have the chance of accumulating thousands of "pieces of advice" from the characters I empersonate. And besides, I have fun on the stage; I play with words, I play with gestures and I can react on the stage the way I could never react in real life. I coap with situations both impossible and challenging and it is just like taking a trip into the fantasy world. When I am playing a part I feel like going inside the pages of a book and it is an unique emotion.
Of course, you may say that a spectator could feel the same emotions I've described, but it's different when you are on the stage, when you feel the waves of love coming your way with applause. It's like a dream come true.
And to honest, I don't think that there a more beautiful job in the whole world. I get to do what I like most and I even receive money for doing this.
Why do I enjoy acting? Well, acting is tough, because you have to be honest with yourself. And I'm not speaking only about searching and learning about my part, but I am trying to talk about the emotions I have to feel when I get on the stage. Theater is about faking life; and the best way to fake it is not to fake it. Fake-reality is more believable when it is genuine; so, I don't act on the stage, I actually live over and over again the same scenario. It is great and I simply love it.
I hope my answer will help you. Take care.