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Gregarious or Sententious?

DREAMS... You helped me to laugh, and held me when I cried. You taught me to dream, and reach for the sky. You laughed when I laughed, or tenderly dried my tears. I made special dreams, for the upcoming years. With my dreams I had hope, that we could make it through. I hoped with friendship, love, and trust. You could feel the same way too. The hopes I had of us are gone. My dreams have been in vain. You wanted perfection, strength, and courge, but all we could produce was pain. I have my dreams and memories, of you and I togather as one. Your memories have become hazy, so now I have to face things alone. I still have my dreams and fantasies, future goals containing me and you. Maybe if I keep trying, hoping, and dreaming, I'll be able to make my dreams come true.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I like that it's really Good