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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Any good history questions that don't involve doing someone's homework?


Any good history questions that don't involve doing someone's homework?

I used to love answering questions in the history section, but now all I see are kids posting their tests! Is there anyone left with just an interest in history (and not wanting to enable these kids to cheat)?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Yes - - - whenever a major anniversary pops up one is bound to find a few amusing 'slants,' and not all the Homework questions are horrid // when they seek an opinion, a point of view, a person's take on an issue or event or person, then one can cut loose with 'intelligent' discourse.

The multiple choice ones are annoying and the ones who want a University level essay that would take three pages to answer properly. But the worse thing in History as a late are the same four or five questions asked by the same horde who feel the need ton congratulate one another for their 'brilliance' while wracking up impossible point totals.

But yes you do have to gleam through a whole slew of slop to find a few gems. But again I for one like 'intelligent' homework questions - - - there are times when a person needs the views of an 'expert' to cut through the rhetoric of an educators homework assignment.

Joy ----------------------