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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Does alot of voice lessons make your voice alot better? I can already sing good


Does alot of voice lessons make your voice alot better? I can already sing good but i want to be better.?

Alexz Johonson(instant star) can sing good, my voice is at her level but i want to be as good as like Martina mcbride, Carrie underwood, LeAnne Rimes, and Kelly Clarkson.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It can definatly help. It teaches you the proper ways to warm up your voice so that you don't damage your voice or throat for example develop Pollups which is common amongst singers (I had to have 1 removed from my vocal chord in 2000). It can also increase your vocal range and teach your proper breathing techniques. If you have the money and the time and most of all if you are serious about singing than I would urge you to take the lessons. It can take you from having a good voice to having a great voice. Best of Luck to you.