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Potter or Artemis?

Why hasn't anyone started raving about Artemis Fowl the way they did about Harry Botter? I mean, Potter's an ok guy and all, but Artemis is far more intelligent. And witty. And fun.
Come on people....go read Artemis Fowl. If you already have, do you agree with what I've said above?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Yeah, I much prefer Artemis Fowl to Harry Potter!
But I guess that Fowl is for a much narrower range of readers, whereas Potter can be read by anyone. And it's a lot harder to empathise with Artemis- sadly, there aren't as many child geniuses out there as there are thick, young boys- than Harry. Add to that the technobabble (albeit realistic and well-explained) that goes on in Artemis, and the fact that HP is so much more innocent and just plain adventurous without the dry humour, and I guess an amount of luck, and you can sort of see why I'm going to be barging into the bookstore at 9:00 on 21st July, and only happened to stumble across the Lost Colony weeks after it was released.
And I suppose you can't complain that AF isn't popular- just look at the number of people who answered this!
But I do agree, I'm eagerly awaiting the age of Artemis Fowl! But until then...