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I need reading tips?

I'm trying desperetly to finish Harry Potter And The Order of The Pheonix and The Half-Blood Prince before Deathly Hollows comes out. I already know the endings (Thanks Jim, you son of a) and so I don't have much motive, but I also want to read them faster, I find The Order of The Pheonix EXTREMLY boring, and it's hard for me to get through, HELP!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Just remember that many details of the books cannot be fit into the movies! That's how I motivated my son to read them. He hates reading [thanks to a really horrid teacher] so it was hard to get him to quit just watching the movies. But when I mentioned a couple of 'secrets' from the books, that he had never known of that inspired him. Reading the books will give you some massive insight into what may be coming in the final book. You can't possibly get a real grasp on the possible outcomes if you don't read the books. They are SO worth it. But I know what you mean about OotP. It's a lot darker than the others. I dont know how far you are, so I don't want to spoil anything... but Harry and Snape really get into it in this book. You learn some really cool info about the Marauders [IE the map] and about Snape. Stuff I doubt they'll have time to cover in the film. HBP will be easier to deal with, because it's film won't be out for at least a year. It's got a LOT of good stuff in it. New teachers, private lessons, new minister of magic... just SO much. Sheesh, I don't think I can say any more without spoiling things. Just try and push through, it's worth it.