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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> If you already proved you love him, why?


If you already proved you love him, why?

does he want to have sex again? Shouldn't once be enough to prove that you love him? Why does he want it again every day? Is it insecurity?
[thanks for inspiration, small:)]

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5 days ago
Is it not good enough to just genuinely love someone..... why is it necessary to repeatedly say "I love you!"?
Does love suffer from perennial insecurity that it needs verbal reassurance every other day?

(question posted by small)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 5 days ago
Is it not good enough to just genuinely love someone..... why is it necessary to repeatedly say "I love you!"?
Does love suffer from perennial insecurity that it needs verbal reassurance every other day?

(question posted by small)