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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> I hear that white is not a color is it true?


I hear that white is not a color is it true?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Some people are telling you that white is the absence of color. It isn't that simple. There are two color systems in our world: additive and subtractive.

The additive system deals with light. Theatrical lighting works with this system, as well as the monitor of your TV and computer.

The subtractive system is the system that painters use to mix their colors. Also, color printers use the subtractive system also.

In the additive system, white is the combination of all possible colors. In the subtractive system, the white is achieved by simply leaving the paper white or using white paint. Either way, both the paper and the white paint are reflecting all of the light that hits it.

A beam of white light contains all other colored lights. When that white light hits an apple, all the colors are absorbed except the reddish colors. They bounce off the apple and enter your eye.