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Aren't machines and cities and buildings part of nature also?

Everybody thinks that buildings and cities and machines that humans make aren't part of nature. People are often saying animals are getting killed becasue our cities are disrupting nature.

But if all this technology and man-made structure were made by our mind, and PEOPLE who are also part of nature, isnt the things that we create part of nature also? I mean isn't evrything that we make made up of things on this earth? so doesn't this make our cities and stuff part of nature also?

i dont mean to say that we aren't destroying other animal's natural habitat and stuff. this is just a curious question.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: This is a question entirely of semantics. Depending on what way you want to look at it, sure you could say that Cities are "natural" because they are made from and by earthly materials. However, that just means that everything is natural, thereby pretty much sucking out all the meaning of the word.

It seems that it is useful to have a word to seperate things that occur "naturally" from things that are fashioned by intentional processes. With this definition, not only would human technology and creations be artificial, things such as ant-hills, bee hives, or bird's nests would be "un-natural" in the same way as cities. Both were designed by a mind and did not simply occur by blind, thoughtless mechanical processes.

It's not that if you choose to back far enough away and look down that it is false to call man-made things natural, but from the level on which we live our lives and communicate, it is pragmatic to make a distinction between the things you mention and the "natural" world.

~Nunayer Beezwax