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Is anyones last name Meza?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Caution there are coat of arms (misnomer
family crest) peddlers on the internet.
The vague family history might be yours and might not. Also there might be several for Meza. However, the peddlers that sell them only will have the one because that is all they need to sell to anyone who doesn't know better.

Ancestry.Com shows 3 Meza immigrants from Germany, 2 from Spain, 1 from England, and 1 from Costa Rica.

People who do genealogy don't concern themselves too much with origin or surnames.

If you want to make contact with people with the Meza name try Rootsweb. You can put a message on a message board under a surname or location. When you put it on the Rootsweb message board, it will also show up on the Ancestry.Com message board. also has message board.

Now information found in family trees on any website must be taken as clues not as fact as most is not documented. Even if you see the same information over and over by different submitters, a lot of copying is being done. There are errors in those trees. When people copy they are frequently copying over and over someone else's mistakes.